Mikala Mikrut: A Girl

Portrait of Tony Ward Studio writer and model Mikala Mikrut for The Vixens Series
Mikala Mikrut. The Vixens Series. Photo: Tony Ward, Copyright 2023.

Poetry by Mikala Mikrut, Copyright 2023


A Girl


In the depths of my longing, I dared to believe in my worth, Foolishly hoping for reciprocated affection, For if I could embrace myself, perhaps someone else could too.

Then reality crashed upon me, relentless and harsh, Unveiling my lack of desirability, Unmasking the futility of my hopes.

Why did I delude myself into thinking anything had shifted?

What delusion fed my fleeting confidence, rupturing my pragmatic vision?

When did I start weaving webs of “hope” and “possibility”?

As a girl, taught to tread cautiously, such sentiments should have been alien.

Yet, there I stood, lost in fantasies of a future meant for another girl.

 A girl who is beautiful.

A girl who is smart, caring and interesting.

A girl that is healed enough to refer to herself as a woman.


About The Author: Mikala Mikrut is a regular contributor to Tony Ward’s blog. To access additional poetry by Mikala Mikrut, click here: https://tonywardstudio.com/blog/bob-shell-my-continuing-publishing-saga/

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