Katie Kerl: Picking up the Pieces

Digital Montage of Katie Kerl by Tony Ward, Copyright 2019
Digital Montage of Katie Kerl by Tony Ward, Copyright 2019


Text by Katie Kerl, Copyright 2019


Picking up the Pieces


Nothing heals a broken heart better then love and support from your
parents and friends. I’m very lucky and have the most down to earth
parental units out there. I have mentioned that a few times in past
articles, but this time my mother and father really outdid themselves.
Break ups are never easy. Getting your belongings back, half moving back into your place that you were using for storage, feeling drained, and endless explaining to people about what happened. After all of that, I do have a certain peace of mind knowing I made the right decision for my own happiness.
Now, previously I would have went out and tried to busy
myself serial dating, drinking, and not truly recovering. I did download all of the dating apps out of pure anger, but this time I couldn’t bring myself to meet anyone off of it.  It’s not a productive use of my time, or going to make me less angry . I got through my work day, did some yoga, and meal planned. That was about all I had the
energy for the last month.
So what changed? My ever praying mother came and helped me. My
father is my personality type and more of my best friend. He has always
listened to me over coffee, or glass of bourbon. Reiterating I do not
need a man to be happy, or take care of me. He said that was his job even in my
thirties. I’m forever grateful for everything he has done for me. I now
realize as an adult I could never have had it both ways with my parents.
Someone had to be the voice of reason and tell me no. My mother was
that parent.
She recently turned 60, and we had a really fun weekend celebrating. I
gave her a birthstone ring.  I also wrote down 60 reasons she is the best
mother, and put it in a pretty wooden box. I realized I never told her all
of those things I appreciate now growing up. Now she can hold onto that forever. 
I let her know I was struggling going through all my stuff at home, and
didn’t have the space for it all. She came for the weekend to help me. In four days she pulled everything out of the closets, kitchen cabinets, and storage.
She helped me create new spaces for all the stuff I had accumulated. I was floored, Marie Kondo has nothing on my mother. She turned my pantry into a shoe cabinet , and a piece of my entertainment unit for my bags. 
She also just listened to me with no judgment. I made dinner the one night , took her to my favorite brunch spot in my area called Morning Glory Diner,
we walked the Italian market , and did some vintage shopping here in
Philadelphia . I couldn’t have asked for a nicer weekend. I feel like a
complete human being again, and at home in my own place.
She will always be there to help pick up the pieces. Life does not get
any easier in your thirties; you will still need your mother. No one can get through life alone. She has never given up on me even in my most unlovable moments.
She really does not get why I like to go to Miami for my birthday, but
always goes shopping with me for it.  She gets  music sets me free, just like
getting tattooed does. My parents only want the best for me and that’s happiness. 
I hope everyone finds theirs as well.
– Kerl up with Kate
About The AuthorKatie Kerl. Born 1984. Raised in Drexel Hill,  Pennsylvania. Attended Drexel University for Behavioral  Psychology. Occupation: commercial/ residential  design Philadelphia resident since 2011 . Hobbies include: Foodie, whiskey drinker,  fitness , cooking  , tattoos & house music lover. Instagram:  @kerl_up_with_kateTo access additional articles by Katie Kerl, click here: http://tonywardstudio.com/blog/katie-kerl-you-dont-have-to-move-on-to-let-go/

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