Poetry by A.H. Scott, Copyright 2018
Illustration by Eustace M. Pilgram, Copyright 2018
Author’s Note:
North Korea is just another layer in the cake of chaos that 45 has made over these past 12 months. I couldn’t resist tossing in Joseph Welch into this hideous mix. Geez, one year seems like a century under this con known as Don. But, in the midterms and 2020, “The Grab Back” is coming for him and his complicit party. Everything he touches turns to dust…..
Flip the coin
Flip it well
Cuz’ as the days grind on, we’re all being dragged to Hell
Both sides are made of people who are fine, as the Monarch of Mendacity always tells
Seems like a century has been compressed into 365 days since his inauguration
Fit as a fiddle is what his doc says
Yet, our eyes can’t deceive us as the con known as Don smirks along these demeaning days
The cult of Trump is oblivious to anyone who doesn’t bow to the tantrum titan
Heather Heyer was her name
Do you give a damn?
La David Johnson was his name
Do you give a damn?
Coin flips again
Of course he never retreats, as onto the next debasing is his delight
Flipping coins of hate is the only way his pleasure is elevated and hardened
Stable is fable
Genius is not his
Decency be damned
America be damned
Planet be damned
Well, I’ll be damned
But, the flippin’ goes on
And, that’s part of Don’s con
Welch once asked a question of sense
But, that would only matter to one who had any
Comeuppance of The Grab Back is coming to thee
In chief
In grief
Stain upon our world will not be brief
In over his thumbs and head
Flim-Flim is what we dread
The predicament we got here ain’t a failure to communicate
It’s a failure to close the mouth and open the ears, proves he is a man who history cannot educate
But, he gets off on seeing us all in tears and with a frown
Put the shovel down and stop using that blowhole of yours as some kind of Stalinistic crown
Boasting of a button so large, seems the only way his fragile ego can get a constant recharge
Your button is minute, as is your capacity for humility
Two men of madness across bodies of water pout and rant
Yet, the elder of the two is more immature than the younger pissant
Down this road of sorrow, man of rage flexes 240 characters towards a dark future
Nuclear winter could be near, for arrogance’s finger on the button of apocalypse is ever so clear
Crazy he is not, for there are more than enough fellow travelers in his lot
All of us who are sane are hoping Nuclear winter won’t be a result of a pissing contest insult
Insults be damned, for his soul is a stone of narcissism
Monarch of Mendacity inflates his chest with pride
He doesn’t give a thought on who is on the other side
Squawking about who’s coming in and who you want in this country proves your racism can no longer hide
Callously speaking of human beings as if they were soot
Now, let’s get down to the root
Root of his core isn’t larger than life for something so truly itsy-bitsy makes the world tsk-tsk in strife
Your button is minute
Your bullying sure as hell ain’t cute
And, Vladimir owns your chute of poot
Pussy Hat!
Pussy Hat!
Damn straight, that’s where it’s at
The Grab Back is here
Now, get this loud and clear: Voters are Gonna’ Vote & Kick All the Grabbers in the Rear!
The only hole that manure belches from is located between his vicious lips
So, to that man who is void of conscience, the Kitties dig in their claws deep, “Hole Off & Flip!!”
Mid-terms and 2020 are gonna’ be the ultimate payback and Grab-Back trip!
About The Author: A.H. Scott is a poet based in New York City and frequent contributor to Tony Ward Studio. To read additional articles by A. H. Scott, go here: http://tonywardstudio.com/blog/h-scott-vortex-vile/